Sunday, August 20, 2017

Weekly Post- August 21

US History
This week, we will continue to compare and contrast the development of English settlement and colonization during the 17th Century. We will specifically look at Relations with American Indians. We will have a vocabulary quiz Friday

Vocabulary Week 2
  1. Benjamin Franklin 
  2. Great Awakening 
  3. Johnathan Edwards
  4. Middle Passage
  5. Pilgrims 
  6. Puritans 
  7. Roger Williams 
  8. Salem Witch Trials 
  9. Salutary Neglect 
  10. Social mobility

Recent US History
This week, we will continue to analyze U.S. international and domestic policies including their influences on technological advancements and social changes during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations.Specifically, we will analyze the Korean War, the Second Red Scare and the domestic impact of each.We will have a vocabulary quiz and NOTEBOOK QUIZ Friday

Vocabulary Week 2
  1. Atomic Energy Commission 
  2. Conspiracy 
  3. Espionage Act of 1917 
  4. Facsimile 
  5. House Un-American Activities Committee 
  6. Internal Security Act of 1950 
  7. KGB 
  8. Recognition Signal 
  9. Treason
  10. Venona Project

AP US History
This week, we will begin examining Time Period 2 (1607-1754). Make sure you have read Chapter 2 in The American Pageant and completed the Vocabulary for a Quiz Friday.

Vocabulary 1 Period 2
  1. Catawba Nation 
  2. Covenant
  3. Dominion of New England 
  4. Freemen 
  5. General Court 
  6. George Whitefield 
  7. Great Awakening 
  8. Headright system
  9. Iroquois Confederacy 
  10. John Peter Zenger 
  11. John S. Copley 
  12. Mayflower Compact 
  13. Paxton Boys 
  14. Peter Stuyvesant
  15. Phillis Wheatley 
  16. Primogeniture 
  17. Proprietor 
  18. Protestant Ethic 
  19. Protestant Reformation 
  20. Squatter 
  21. Thomas Hooker 
  22. Triangular trade 
  23. Virginia Company 
  24. William Berkeley 
  25. William Bradford

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