Sunday, March 26, 2017

Weekly Post 3-27

This week, we will begin discussing Period VIII 1945-1980. The Cold War becomes intertwined with the Civil Rights Movement and emergence of Contemporary America. Begin reading textbook at Chapter 37. Vocabulary Quiz April 10th (Words under Cold War page)

US History
We will finish US become a World Power I Unit with a test Wednesday and a notebook check.
Here is the Study Guide:
 Study Guide
1. What foreign policy was established by John Hay in 1899?
2. How did the US get involved in Asia economically?
3. Why did the Zimmermann Telegram anger Americans? 
4. What was the purpose of government propaganda during World War I?
5. What was the role of the Committee of Public Information? 
6. Describe Alfred T. Mahan’s book The Influence of Sea Power Upon History        
7. Summarize the Open Door Policy.
8. Describe the concept of freedom of the seas.
9. Why did America go to war against Spain in 1898?
10. Results of Spanish-American War 
11. Define the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.
12. Describe the policy of imperialism in the U. S. from 1890 to 1910 
13. What were the major concerns of anti-imperialists in the 1890s?
14. For what reasons do some question whether U. S. policy from 1914-1916 was truly neutral?
15. What was the main goal when for President Woodrow Wilson with the entry into World War I for the United States?
16. American involvement in World War I brought about what social and economic changes in the United States? 
17. What action was most crucial in bringing about U. S. participation in World War I?
18. Describe Germany's notorious Zimmermann telegram.
19. Why did Woodrow Wilson fail to obtain ratification of the Versailles Treaty?
20. How did the women’s work supporting the war effort change society?
21. Describe the crime and punishment under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918:
22. Describe with the Supreme Court's ruling in Schenck v. U. S.
23. Who said "The world must be made safe for democracy."? (1917)
24. What organization was created in 1919 to decrease the likelihood of international disputes becoming violent?
25. Describe "The Fourteen Points" of the early 20th century         
26.  What factors characterize the economy of the 1920s?
27. Describe the Red Scare and the Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Weekly Post 3-20... a little late

We will finish Period VII this week discussing World War II. We have a test Friday on Imperialism, Progressivism, World War I, Roaring 20s and Depressing 30s, and World War II.

US History
We will continue US becomes a World Power by discussing US involvement in World War I. We have a vocabulary quiz Friday (words below) and a test next Wednesday, March 29th. Along with the test, we have a RAFTS assignment and a notebook check.
US as a World Power Vocabulary II
  1. American Expeditionary Force 
  2. Neutrality 
  3. Open Door Note 
  4. Panamanian Revolution
  5. Pearl Harbor 
  6. Rough Riders
  7. Sussex Pledge
  8. U-boats 
  9. USS Maine 
  10. Zimmermann Telegram 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Weekly Post 3-13

We will continue Period VII this week discussing World War II. We have a Vocabulary Quiz Friday 3-17 (Words under World at War). Our Period VII Test is scheduled for March 24th, (Chs 27-36)

US History
We will begin our unit about the United States becoming a World Power. This unit will cover the development of a US empire and US involvement in the World Wars. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 3-17 on the list below:
US as a World Power Vocabulary I
  1. Seward’s Folly
  2. Sanford Dole
  3. Queen Liliuokalani 
  4. Emilio Aguinaldo
  5. White Man’s Burden
  6. Imperialism
  7. Spanish-American War
  8. Platt Amendment
  9. Panama Canal
  10. Roosevelt Corollary

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Please check Infinite Campus for your current grades and missing assignments. Midterm grades are due Tuesday March 14. Please have all missing, late, and makeup work turned in by 4pm Monday, 3-13

Monday, March 6, 2017

Weekly Post 3-6

We will continue with Period VII this week by examining the conditions of the Great Depression and Roosevelt's response in the New Deal. We have a Reading Quiz Tuesday of Chs 33-35. Remember, The Grapes of Wrath movie assignment is due next Monday.

US History
We will finish the Black History Unit this week. We will have a Test and Notebook Check on Thursday. We will begin the US as a World Power Unit next week. Next week's vocabulary is listed below:
US as a World Power Vocabulary I
  1. Seward’s Folly
  2. Sanford Dole
  3. Queen Liliuokalani 
  4. Emilio Aguinaldo
  5. White Man’s Burden
  6. Imperialism
  7. Spanish-American War
  8. Platt Amendment
  9. Panama Canal
  10. Roosevelt Corollary

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Black History Unit Test March 8/9, 2017


  1. How did the Compromise of 1877 MOST affect Black Americans in the South?
  2. How did Jim Crow laws control civic interaction?
  3. Explain why Poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses were used in the South after 1890
  4. How was the case of Plessy v. Ferguson pivotal in race relations in late 19th century America?
  5. What did Booker T. Washington believe was the key to political and civil rights for African Americans?
  6. How was the philosophy of W. E. B. Du Bois reflected in the Niagara Movement?
  7. How did the events of the 1910s lead to the “Great Migration” out of the South?
  8. From where was the Great Migration of African Americans between 1915 and 1930 was mainly a movement?
  9. What influenced Harlem Renaissance?
  10. How did World War I on effect African American society in 1917 and 1918?
  11. Describe the role of African Americans during World War I
  12. How did Duke Ellington’s Orchestra challenge cultural norms of the 1920s?
  13. How did FDR’s New Deal help African American farmers of the South and Midwest?
  14. What was the role of A Phillip Randolph during World War II?
  15. During World War II, some Americans who rallied behind the slogan “Double V” sought victory over Germany abroad and over what at home?
  16. How did the Second World War affect African Americans?
  17. What was the purpose of Executive Order 9981, issued by President Harry Truman?
  18. Describe the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren (1953—1969)
  19. What was the main goal of the civil rights movement during the 1950s?
  20. Which events during the civil rights movement was associated with President Dwight Eisenhower?
  21. When Jackie Robinson mentions President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s experience with Governor Faubus, he is referring to what action the president took?
  22. Compare President George Washington’s response to the Whiskey Rebellion (1794) and President Dwight Eisenhower’s response to events at Little Rock High School (1957)
  23. What was the SCLC?
  24. Describe the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the use of sit-ins
  25. How did the SCLC and SNCC differ in later years?
  26. Describe Alabama Governor George Wallace
  27. Describe the connection between the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, sit-ins at whites-only lunch counters in Greensboro, North Carolina, Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington, D. C., and the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  28. What were the major impacts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act  and of the 24th amendment

  • Analyze this poem
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore— And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?
                                      Langston Hughes, 1951 (adapted)
  • Reflections of black heritage in this painting >>>

  • What do these Headlines have in common?
“Hoover and Smith Campaign on Radio”

“Kennedy Passes Nixon in Polls After Televised Debate”

“Obama Raises Record Donations Using the Internet”

  • Describe these images