Wednesday, August 31, 2016


AP Students-While reading Chapters 3-5, think about:

  • the factors that promoted stability and those that undermined stability in the three colonial regions 
  • the impact of religion on the political, economic and social aspects of the three colonial regions
  •  How the lives of African slaves changed over the course of the first century of slavery in North America

Sunday, August 28, 2016

APUSH Students

Please find and read colonial-virginia-frontier-and-international-native-american-diplomacy under APUSH Readings for this week. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Who will notice...?

APUSH Students
*Vocabulary Quiz*
You can create a handwritten cheat sheet on a 3x5 index card for yourself only.

Monday, August 22, 2016

APUSH Vocabulary

  1. Primogeniture
  2. Proprietary Charter
  3. Proprietor
  4. Protestant Ethic
  5. Protestant Reformation
  6. Puritans
  7. Quakers
  8. Regulator Movement
  9. Roger Williams
  10. Royal Charter
  11. Scots-Irish
  12. Separatists
  13. Slave Codes
  14. Slavery
  15. Squatter
  16. Starving Time
  17. Thomas Hooker
  18. Triangular trade
  19. Virginia Company
  20. William Berkeley
  21. William Bradford
  22. William Penn
  23. Yeoman

Thursday, August 18, 2016

APUSH Vocabulary

  1. John Rolfe
  2. John S. Copley
  3. John Smith
  4. John Winthrop
  5. Jonathan Edwards
  6. Leisler’s Rebellion
  7. Longhouse
  8. Lord Baltimore
  9. Lord De la Warr
  10. Massachusetts Bay Colony
  11. Mayflower Compact
  12. Michel-Guillaume de Crevecour
  13. Middle Passage
  14. Molasses Act
  15. Navigation Acts
  16. New England Confederation
  17. Patroonship
  18. Paxton Boys
  19. Peter Stuyvesant
  20. Phillis Wheatley
  21. Pocahontas
  22. Powhatan
  23. Predestination

Monday, August 15, 2016


Continue to read textbook Chs 1-2. Quiz on Friday 

Here is your next set of Vocabulary Words
  1. Act of Toleration
  2. Anne Hutchinson
  3. Bacon’s Rebellion
  4. Benjamin Franklin
  5. Calvinism
  6. Catawba Nation
  7. Corporate Charter
  8. Covenant
  9. Dominion of New England
  10. Freemen
  11. Fundamental Orders
  12. General Court
  13. George Whitefield
  14. Great Awakening
  15. Halfway Covenant
  16. Headright system
  17. House of Burgesses
  18. Huguenots
  19. Indentured Servitude
  20. Iroquois Confederacy
  21. James Oglethorpe
  22. Jeremiads
  23. John Peter Zenger

Saturday, August 13, 2016

As I have said in class, we will try to use technology more and more in the classroom and for communication. This blog has basic information for my classes as well as posting capabilities so all can communicate. I hope this enhances everyone's educational experience.