Wednesday, December 27, 2017

APUSH Winter Homework

The Men Who Built America
Ep 1 A NEW WAR BEGINS- Cornelius Vanderbilt
1. What happened on April 14, 1865?
2. Where did Cornelius Vanderbilt grow up?
3. In what industry did Vanderbilt begin?
4. What was Vanderbilt's nickname?
5. What did Vanderbilt buy after he sold his shipping business?
6. How did the Civil War affect Vanderbilt?
7. How did Vanderbilt show his power to the other railroad companies?
8. What happened to Vanderbilt's competitors when he shut the rail bridge?
9. How did Vanderbilt build the New York Central railroad?
10. How many jobs did railroads create?
11. What did Vanderbilt build in the middle of New York City?
12. What railroad did Vanderbilt need to take control of to control the route to Chicago?
13. What is "a hostile takeover"?
14. What is "watering down stock"?
15. Who were Jay Gould and James Fisk?
16. What fuel source was made from oil?
17. How did Vanderbilt plan to profit from oil?
18. Why did Vanderbilt want to extend his railroad towards Cleveland, OH?
19. Who did Vanderbilt want to partner with in the oil business?
20. What happened to the train leaving Cleveland that Rockefeller missed?

The Men Who Built America
Ep 2 OIL STRIKE- John D. Rockefeller
1. What shrewd businessman planned to take Cornelius Vanderbilt down?
2. What type of discount did John D. Rockefeller ask for when shipping his oil?
3. How much oil did Rockefeller agree to ship using Vanderbilt railroads?
4. How was Rockefeller raised?
5. Describe John Rockefeller's father.
6. Where was Rockefeller when he decided to get into the oil business?
7. What product did refining create from oil?
8. In what part of the oil business did Rockefeller believe businessmen belonged?
9. How much did Rockefeller invest in his first refinery?
10. Why was kerosene becoming unpopular?
11. What did Rockefeller name his company?
12. What convenience did every American want that Rockefeller could supply? 
13. Is Rockefeller satisfied with the Vanderbilt deal?
14. Who is Tom Scott?
15. What did Rockefeller plan to do with the profits from cheap shipping?
16. What is a monopoly?
17. How did Vanderbilt plan to stop Rockefeller’s success?
18. What did Rockefeller plan to build to cut the railroads out of his business?
19. How much pipeline did workers lay per day?
20. How long was the pipeline when it was complete?
21. What happened to the railroads when Rockefeller stopped shipping his oil?
22. What national crisis came out of the railroad industry crashing?
23. How did Tom Scott plan to interfere with Rockefeller’s business?
24. What did Rockefeller do to prevent having to ship oil to Pittsburgh?
25. What happened when Tom Scott was forced to fire 10,000+ employees?
26. How did the Pittsburgh Riots affect Tom Scott and the Pennsylvania Railroad?

Monday, December 18, 2017

Weekly Post for December 18th


Monday: 1st, 4th, 7th
Tuesday: 2nd, 5th
Wednesday: 3rd, 6th

  • US History Exam counts as a Major Grade
  • Recent US History Exam counts as 20%

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Weekly Post for December 4th

This week, we will begin Period V (1844-1877). We will study political and social actions that lead to the US Civil War. Read Chapters 18-20. Vocabulary Quiz Friday
1. Bleeding Kansas
2. C.S.S. Alabama
3. Compromise of 1850
4. Constitutional Union Party
5. Dred Scott
6. Freeport Doctrine
7. Free-Soil Party
8. Fugitive Slave Law
9. Harper's Ferry
10. Harriet Tubman
11. John Wilkes Booth
12. Kansas-Nebraska Act
13. Know-Nothing Party
14. Lincoln-Douglas Debates
15. Merrimack
16. Moderate Republicans
17. Monitor
18. National Banking Act
19. Ostend Manifesto
20. Panic of 1857
21. The Impending Crisis of the South
22. Trent Affair
23. Underground Railroad
24. Union Party
25. William T. Sherman

US History                                           
This week, we will begin looking at the US Civil War.  We will study political and social controversies in the Antebellum Era. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 
  1. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Dred Scott
  4. Roger Taney
  5. Jefferson Davis
  6. John Brown
  7. Robert E. Lee
  8. Thomas Jackson
  9. Ulysses S. Grant
  10. William T. Sherman
  11. Stephen Douglas
  12. Andrew Johnson

Recent US History
This week, we will continue looking at Globalization, concentrating on the Middle East. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 
  1. Ayatollah Khomeini
  2. Central Intelligence Agency
  3. Hezbollah
  4. intermediary
  5. ISDCA
  6. Israel
  7. Manuel Noriega
  8. Nicaragua
  9. Panama
  10. PLO
  11. Shi’ite
  12. Sunni

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Weekly Post for November 27th

This week, we will finish Period IV (1800-1848). We will study political and social impacts of westward expansion. Read Chapters 16-17. Period IV Exam Friday
 APUSH Period IV Test Study Guide
1. Supreme Court Decision, 1803
2. Thomas Jefferson, 1808
3. editorial, Washington National Intelligencer 1812
4. resolutions of the Hartford Convention, 1814
5. Supreme Court case, 1819
6. map of the United States in 1820
7. Presidential message to Congress, 1823
8. Elias Boudinot, 1826
9. Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World David Walker,1829
10. ‘the American Scholar,’ Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1837
11. Sojourner Truth, speech to Akron, Ohio Women’s Convention 
12. Andrew Jackson’s Bank Veto Message, July 10, 1832

US History
This week, we will begin looking at causes of the US Civil War.  We will study political and social controversies in the Antebellum Era. Vocabulary Quiz Friday
1. Nat Turner
2. William Lloyd Garrison
3. Frederick Douglass
4. Grimke sisters
5. Missouri Compromise
6. Mexican War
7. Wilmot Proviso
8. Compromise of 1850
9. Kansas-Nebraska Act
10. Popular sovereignty

Recent US History
This week, we will continue looking at Globalization, concentrating on the Middle East. Vocabulary and Notebook Quiz Friday
1. Contras 
2. covert 
3. extralegal 
4. Iran
5. Islam
6. Marxist 
7. Oliver North
8. paramilitary 
9. pawn 
10. Reagan Doctrine

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Replacement Opportunities

US History Replacement Major Grade

 Recent US History Replacement Major Grade

AP US History Replacement Major Grade 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Thanksgiving Homework

Happy Thanksgiving

  • Mexican-American War Political Cartoons (required)
  • Division of America News Project (optional-replacement grade)

US History
  • Foundation of America News Project (optional-replacement grade)

Recent US History
  • Re-write Civil Rights Argumentative Essay (optional-grade improvement)
  • Cafe History: Modern America (optional-replacement grade)

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Weekly Post for November 13th

This week, we will continue looking at Period IV (1800-1848). We will study political and social changes in the Antebellum Era. Read Chapters 13-15. Reading Quiz Wednesday. Vocabulary Quiz Friday

    Vocabulary Week 14
1. 2nd Bank of the United States
2. Bear Flag Revolt
3. Corrupt Bargain
4. Fletcher v. Peck
5. Force Bill
6. King Caucus
7. King Mob
8. Manifest Destiny
9. Maysville Road
10. Mormons
11. Nat Turner
12. Nullification
13. Panic of 1837
14. Pet Banks
15. Pony Express
16. Seneca Falls Convention
17. South Carolina Exposition
18. Specie Circular
19. Spoils system
20. Spot Resolution
21. Tariff of 1833
22. Tariff of Abominations
23. Transcendentalism
24. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
25. Wilmot Proviso

US History
This week, we will continue looking at Western Expansion.  We will study political and social controversies in the Antebellum Era. Vocabulary and Notebook Quiz Friday
       Vocabulary Week 14
1. Abolitionism
2. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
3. Jacksonian Democracy
4. John C. Calhoun
5. Nullification
6. Public schools
7. Seneca Falls Conference
8. Suffrage
9. Temperance
10. Westward Expansion

Recent US History
This week, we will continue looking at Globalization. We will study political and social changes in the Modern Era. Vocabulary Quiz Friday

    Vocabulary Week 14
1. Albert Gore
2. Big Three automakers
3. Congressional Budget Office
4. Industrial Revolution
5. International Monetary Fund
6. National Public Radio
7. Revenue Tariff
8. Subsidies
9. Tea Party
10. World Bank

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weekly Post for November 6th

This week, we will continue Period IV with James Madison and James Monroe. We will focus on expansion and development. Vocabulary Quiz Friday
1. Chesapeake Incident
2. Cohens v. Virginia
3. Common Man
4. Creole
5. Cult of Domesticity
6. Cyrus McCormick
7. Daniel Webster
8. David Walker
9. Edgar Allan Poe
10. Eli Whitney
11. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
12. Embargo Act
13. Era of Good Feelings
14. General Incorporation Law
15. Gibbons v. Ogden
16. Gilbert Stuart
17. Hartford Convention
18. Henry Clay
19. Impeachment
20. Impressment
21. Independent Treasury
22. Industrial Revolution
23. Internal Improvements
24. Webster-Ashburton Treaty
25. Whig Party

US History
This week, we will study Westward Expansion. We will focus on successes and failure of expansion. Vocabulary Quiz Friday
1. American System
2. Corrupt Bargain
3. Cult of Domesticity
4. Indian Removal Act
5. Lowell System
6. Railroad
7. Spoils System
8. Tariff of Abominations
9. Telegraph
10. Trail of Tears

Recent US History
This week, we will begin Modern America. We will focus on the US economy’s connection to the world. Vocabulary Quiz on Friday
1. Bill Clinton
2. Federal Reserve
3. Free Trade
5. George H.W. Bush
7. Pew Research Center
8. Protectionism
9. Protective Tariff
10. World Trade Organization

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Weekly Post for October 30

This week, we will begin Period IV (1800-1848). We will study early American expansion and economic development. Read Chapters 11-12 in American Pageant, Quiz Tuesday. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 
Week 11 Vocabulary
1. American System
2. American Temperance Society
3. Antislavery
4. Aroostook War
5. Bank of United States
6. Black Hawk
7. Bonus Bill of 1817
8. Boston Associates
9. Clipper ships
10. James Madison
11. James Monroe
12. John C. Calhoun
13. Judicial Review
14. Land Act of 1820
15. Louisiana Purchase
16. McCulloch v. Maryland 
17. Meriwether Lewis
18. Midnight Judges
19. Monroe Doctrine
20. Sectionalism
21. Slavocracy
22. Tariff of 1816
23. Tecumseh
24. USS Constitution 
25. Virginia Dynasty

US History
This week, we will continue the first 5 Presidents. We will study early American expansion and economic development, particularly the Louisiana Purchase. Vocabulary Quiz Friday.
Week 11 Vocabulary
1. Eli Whitney
2. Erie Canal
3. Industrial Revolution
4. Lewis and Clark
5. Louisiana Purchase
6. Manifest Destiny
7. Monroe Doctrine
8. New York City
9. Thomas Jefferson
10. War of 1812

Recent US History
This week, we will continue the Civil Rights movement. We will look at the Selma Campaign and other significant contributions to social change in America. Vocabulary and notebook quizzes Friday.
Week 11 Vocabulary
1. Black Panthers
2. Black Power
3. Freedom Summer
4. Hosea Williams
5. Jackie Robinson
6. James Meredith
7. Malcolm Little
8. Segregation
9. Selma March
10. Watts Riots