Sunday, December 3, 2017

Weekly Post for December 4th

This week, we will begin Period V (1844-1877). We will study political and social actions that lead to the US Civil War. Read Chapters 18-20. Vocabulary Quiz Friday
1. Bleeding Kansas
2. C.S.S. Alabama
3. Compromise of 1850
4. Constitutional Union Party
5. Dred Scott
6. Freeport Doctrine
7. Free-Soil Party
8. Fugitive Slave Law
9. Harper's Ferry
10. Harriet Tubman
11. John Wilkes Booth
12. Kansas-Nebraska Act
13. Know-Nothing Party
14. Lincoln-Douglas Debates
15. Merrimack
16. Moderate Republicans
17. Monitor
18. National Banking Act
19. Ostend Manifesto
20. Panic of 1857
21. The Impending Crisis of the South
22. Trent Affair
23. Underground Railroad
24. Union Party
25. William T. Sherman

US History                                           
This week, we will begin looking at the US Civil War.  We will study political and social controversies in the Antebellum Era. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 
  1. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Dred Scott
  4. Roger Taney
  5. Jefferson Davis
  6. John Brown
  7. Robert E. Lee
  8. Thomas Jackson
  9. Ulysses S. Grant
  10. William T. Sherman
  11. Stephen Douglas
  12. Andrew Johnson

Recent US History
This week, we will continue looking at Globalization, concentrating on the Middle East. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 
  1. Ayatollah Khomeini
  2. Central Intelligence Agency
  3. Hezbollah
  4. intermediary
  5. ISDCA
  6. Israel
  7. Manuel Noriega
  8. Nicaragua
  9. Panama
  10. PLO
  11. Shi’ite
  12. Sunni

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