Sunday, October 29, 2017

Weekly Post for October 30

This week, we will begin Period IV (1800-1848). We will study early American expansion and economic development. Read Chapters 11-12 in American Pageant, Quiz Tuesday. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 
Week 11 Vocabulary
1. American System
2. American Temperance Society
3. Antislavery
4. Aroostook War
5. Bank of United States
6. Black Hawk
7. Bonus Bill of 1817
8. Boston Associates
9. Clipper ships
10. James Madison
11. James Monroe
12. John C. Calhoun
13. Judicial Review
14. Land Act of 1820
15. Louisiana Purchase
16. McCulloch v. Maryland 
17. Meriwether Lewis
18. Midnight Judges
19. Monroe Doctrine
20. Sectionalism
21. Slavocracy
22. Tariff of 1816
23. Tecumseh
24. USS Constitution 
25. Virginia Dynasty

US History
This week, we will continue the first 5 Presidents. We will study early American expansion and economic development, particularly the Louisiana Purchase. Vocabulary Quiz Friday.
Week 11 Vocabulary
1. Eli Whitney
2. Erie Canal
3. Industrial Revolution
4. Lewis and Clark
5. Louisiana Purchase
6. Manifest Destiny
7. Monroe Doctrine
8. New York City
9. Thomas Jefferson
10. War of 1812

Recent US History
This week, we will continue the Civil Rights movement. We will look at the Selma Campaign and other significant contributions to social change in America. Vocabulary and notebook quizzes Friday.
Week 11 Vocabulary
1. Black Panthers
2. Black Power
3. Freedom Summer
4. Hosea Williams
5. Jackie Robinson
6. James Meredith
7. Malcolm Little
8. Segregation
9. Selma March
10. Watts Riots

Monday, October 23, 2017

APUSH Study Guide: Period 3 (1754-1800)

Study Guide: Period 3 (1754-1800)        

Resources on Test
  • ·         Map: transatlantic trade
  • ·         John Dickinson, Letter from a Farmer, 1768
  • ·         The Paxton Boys, “A Remonstrance of Distressed and Bleeding Frontier Inhabitants,” 1764
  • ·         Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765
  • ·         Instructions to the Virginia Delegates to the First Continental Congress, Williamsburg, 1774
  • ·         King George III, Speech to Parliament, October 27, 1775
  • ·         Virginia Declaration of Rights, 1776
  • ·         Alexander Hamilton, “A Proposal to Arm and Then Free the Negroes,” 1779
  • ·         George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796
  • ·         The Sedition Act, 1798 Excerpted text from congressional bill, July 14, 1798.

Review All Period III Vocabulary (plus words below we didn’t get to)
  1. “Mad” Anthony Wayne
  2. James Madison
  3. Jay Treaty
  4. Jeffersonian Republicans
  5. John Jay
  6. Judiciary Act of 1789
  7. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
  8. Land Ordinance of 1785
  9. Mobocracy
  10. Neutrality Proclamation 1793
  11. Ninth Amendment
  12. Northwest Ordinance
  13. Pinckney Treaty
  14. Republicanism
  15. Shays’ Rebellion
  16. Society of the Cincinnati
  17. States' Rights
  18. Talleyrand
  19. Tenth Amendment
  20. The Cabinet
  21. The Federalist Papers
  22. Three-Fifths Compromise
  23. Treaty of Greenville
  24. Virginia Plan
  25. Whiskey Rebellion

Weekly Post for October 23rd

This week, we will finish Period III 1754-1800. We will examine the Washington and Adams Presidencies. We will take Period III Exam on Friday, October 27th

US History
This week, we will continue to examine early US Presidents. We will look at more from George Washington and some of John Adams. Vocabulary Quiz Friday
Week 10 Vocabulary
  1. Alien and Sedition Acts 
  2. Assumption
  3. Census
  4. Election of 1800
  5. Federalism 
  6. Impressment
  7. Interpretation
  8. Thomas Jefferson
  9. Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions
  10. XYZ Affair
Recent US History
This week, we will continue to examine the Civil Rights Movement. We will look at Birmingham and Civil Rights legislation. Vocabulary Quiz Friday.
Week 10 Vocabulary
  1. “I have a Dream…” speech
  2. Brown v. Board of Education
  3. Children’s March
  4. Freedom Riders
  5. Letter from a Birmingham Jail
  6. Little Rock Nine
  7. military integration
  8. SCLC
  9. Sit-ins
  10. SNCC

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Weekly Post for October 16th

This week, we will continue Period III with the Foundation of the New Nation. We will study the creation and implementation of a new government. Vocabulary Quiz Friday

Period III Vocabulary  1783-1800
  1. Agrarian
  2. Alexander Hamilton
  3. Alien and Sedition Acts
  4. Anarchy
  5. Anti-Federalists 
  6. Articles of Confederation
  7. Assumption
  8. Battle of Fallen Timbers
  9. Bill of Rights
  10. Checks & Balances
  11. Compact Theory
  12. Confederation
  13. Consent of the governed
  14. Constitution of the United States
  15. Convention of 1800
  16. Daniel Shays 
  17. Electoral College
  18. Excise Tax
  19. Federalists
  20. Federation
  21. Funding at Par
  22. Great Compromise
  23. Henry Knox
  24. Implied Powers 
  25. Sovereignty
Note: Turn in first 9 weeks' BellWork for a replacement Minor Grade (based on quality and quantity)

US History
This week, we will study George Washington and the early United States. We will look at the foundation of American society and politics. Vocabulary Quiz Friday
Week 10 Vocabulary
  1. Bill of Rights 
  2. Cabinet
  3. Implied Powers 
  4. Jay Treaty
  5. Judiciary Act of 1789
  6. Neutrality Proclamation 1793 
  7. Political parties 
  8. Precedent 
  9. U.S. Constitution 
  10. Whiskey Rebellion 

Recent US History
This week, we will continue to study the early Civil Rights Movement. We will finish the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Vocabulary Quiz Wednesday
  1. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  2. Ralph David Abernathy, Jr.
  3. Coretta Scott King
  4. Rosa Parks
  5. Raymond Parks
  6. Bayard Rustin
  7. Claudette Colvin
  8. E.D. Nixon
  9. Rufus Lewis
  10. W.A. Gayle 

Monday, October 9, 2017

Weekly Post for October 9th

US History and APUSH
TCSS Unit 1 Common Assessment Thursday

Study Guide on Last week's Post

Per request, the links below are helpful in preparing for the Assessment

Recent US History
We will begin Unit 2 this week, the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott will be our focus. We will study the following people:
  1. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  2. Ralph David Abernathy, Jr.
  3. Coretta Scott King
  4. Rosa Parks
  5. Raymond Parks
  6. Bayard Rustin
  7. Claudette Colvin
  8. E.D. Nixon
  9. Rufus Lewis
  10. W.A. Gayle 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Weekly Post for October 2, 2017

This week, we will continue Period III looking at the American Revolution and the early years of the new nation. Read Chapters 8-10 in American Pageant Vocabulary Quiz Friday
1.      Abigail Adams
2.      Admiral de Grasse 
3.      Articles of Confederation
4.      Boycott 
5.      Bunker Hill
6.      Committees of Correspondence
7.      Common Sense 
8.      Comte de Rochambeau
9.      External taxation   
10.  Francis Marion
11.  Green Mountain Boys
12.  Henry Clinton
13.  Horatio Gates 
14.  Internal taxation
15.  John Burgoyne
16.  Joseph Warren
17.  Lexington
18.  Natural Rights theory 
19.  Paul Revere
20.  Richard Henry Lee
21.  Sybil Ludington
22.  Thomas Sumter
23.  Treaty of Paris of 1783 
24.  Virtual representation 
25.  Whigs

US History
This week, we will study the development of the new US Government. We will question, “Is Compromise Always Fair?”  Vocabulary Quiz and Notebook Quiz Friday
Week 8 Vocabulary
1.      Anti-federalists
2.      Baron de Montesquieu
3.      Committee of Five
4.      Declaration of Independence
5.      Jean-Jacques Rousseau
6.      John Locke
7.      Saratoga
8.      The Federalist Papers
9.      Three-fifths Compromise
10.  Trenton

Recent US History
This week, we will look at the role of the President in the economy. Specially, the approaches of Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan Vocabulary Quiz Friday
Week 8 Vocabulary
1.      affirmative action
2.      Civil Right Act of 1964
3.      Great Society
4.      Medicaid
5.      Medicare
6.      Neo-conservatism
7.      Reaganomics
8.      Twenty-Fourth Amendment
9.      Voting Rights Act
10.  Watergate Scandal

US History and AP US History take the  TCSS Unit 1 Common Assessment October 12, 2017. Study Guide below:
Unit 1 TCSS Common Assessment Study Guide

1.      Explain the development of the Southern Colonies, including but not limited to reasons established, impact of location and place, relations with American Indians, and economic development.

2.      Describe the Middle Passage, the growth of the African population and their contributions, including but not limited to architecture, agriculture, and foodways

3.      Explain how the French and Indian War and the 1763 Treaty of Paris laid the groundwork for the American Revolution

4.      Explain colonial response to the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts as seen in the Sons and Daughters of Liberty and the Committees of Correspondence.

5.      Explain the development of the New England Colonies, including but not limited to reasons established, impact of location and place, relations with American Indians, and economic development.

6.      Analyze George Washington as a military leader, including but not limited to the influence of Baron von Steuben, the Marquis de LaFayette, and the significance of Valley Forge in the creation of a professional military.

7.      Explain the significance of the Treaty of Paris, 1783

8.      Investigate how mercantilism and trans-Atlantic trade led to the development of colonies.

9.      Describe European cultural diversity including the contributions of different ethnic and religious groups.

10.  Explain the development of the Mid-Atlantic Colonies, including but not limited to reasons established, impact of location and place, relations with American Indians, and economic development.

11.  Evaluate how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and Daniel Shays’ Rebellion led to a call for a stronger central government

12.  Investigate specific events and key ideas that brought about the adoption and implementation of the United States Constitution.

13.  Explain the development of the Southern Colonies, including but not limited to reasons established, impact of location and place, relations with American Indians, and economic development.

14.  Evaluate the major arguments of the Anti-Federalists and Federalists during the debate on ratification of the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and the roles of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison

15.  Describe the Middle Passage, the growth of the African population and their contributions, including but not limited to architecture, agriculture, and foodways

16.  Analyze George Washington as a military leader, including but not limited to the influence of Baron von Steuben, the Marquis de LaFayette, and the significance of Valley Forge in the creation of a professional military.

17.  Investigate the role of geography at the Battles of Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown.

18.  Explain the development of the Mid-Atlantic Colonies, including but not limited to reasons established, impact of location and place, relations with American Indians, and economic development.

19.  Evaluate the major arguments of the Anti-Federalists and Federalists during the debate on ratification of the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and the roles of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison

20.  Investigate the intellectual sources, organization, and argument of the Declaration of Independence including the role of Thomas Jefferson and the Committee of Five.

21.  Compare and contrast the development of English settlement and colonization during the 17th Century.

22.  Explain the reason for and significance of the French alliance and other foreign assistance including the diplomacy of Benjamin Franklin and John Adams

23.  Compare and contrast the development of English settlement and colonization during the 17th Century.

24.  Describe different methods of colonial self-governance in the period of Salutary Neglect

25.  Explain the key features of the Constitution, including the Great Compromise, limited government, and the Three-Fifths Compromise.

26.  Investigate the role of geography at the Battles of Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown.

27.  Examine the strengths of the Articles of Confederation, including but not limited to the Land Ordinance of 1785, Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and their influence on westward migration, slavery, public education, and the addition of new states.

28.  Describe the early English colonial society and investigate the development of its governance.

29.  Examine the roles of women, American Indians, and enslaved and free Blacks in supporting the war effort

30.  Explain the development of the New England Colonies, including but not limited to reasons established, impact of location and place, relations with American Indians, and economic development.

31.  Explain how objections to the ratification of the Constitution were addressed in the Bill of Rights.

32.  Analyze the ideological, military, social, and diplomatic aspects of the American Revolution

33.  Examine the roles of women, American Indians, and enslaved and free Blacks in supporting the war effort

34.  Explain how the French and Indian War and the 1763 Treaty of Paris laid the groundwork for the American Revolution

35.  Explain the role of the Great Awakening in creating unity in the colonies and challenging traditional authority.

36.  Analyze the causes of the American Revolution.

37.  Explain the importance of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense to the movement for independence.

38.  Evaluate how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and Daniel Shays’ Rebellion led to a call for a stronger central government

39.  Explain the key features of the Constitution, including the Great Compromise, limited government, and the Three-Fifths Compromise.

40.  Explain colonial response to the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts as seen in the Sons and Daughters of Liberty and the Committees of Correspondence.